About Jupiterp

Jupiterp is a website built to help students at the University of Maryland plan their schedules and make informed decisions about their course and section selections. Jupiterp provides a course planner that allows students to search for courses, see sections complete with instructor reviews from PlanetTerp, and visualize their course schedule. Unlike other course planners, Jupiterp is built specifically by and for students at UMD, because we know that students here know best what they need; that's why Jupiterp is also completely open-source, so that students can contribute to the project and make it better for both themselves and everyone else.

Jupiterp is currently in beta phase - there may be issues. We are working to set up a system to report bugs; in the meantime, if you find something wrong on our site, please report it as an issue here.

View changelog

Professor Ratings

Stars next to a professor's name indicate their average rating as shown on PlanetTerp. These ratings are based on anonymous student reviews and can vary in accuracy and reliability. Reviews are subjective and may not be representative of the professor's ability to teach or the average student experience in their class. We encourage students to visit PlanetTerp and read reviews to get a better understanding of a professor's teaching style and the student experience in their classes.


Jupiterp is open-source and accepting contributions. Please visit our GitHub to make contributions.


All course information is taken directly from the Testudo Schedule of Classes. Instructor information and reviews are gathered from the PlanetTerp API.

Core Team

Jupiterp is managed by our Core Team:

Non-Technical Credits

Jupiterp also received help from the following people:


To contact the Jupiterp team, email admin@jupiterp.com.